About Us

Club General Meetings

General Meetings now take place on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Shannons, 865/863 South Rd, Clarence Gardens. The meeting commences at 7:30pm


SDCC Constitution, Regulations & By-Laws

Club Constitution (current)

Club Regulations (current)

2024 Club By-Laws


SDCC Values

Social Responsibility – Provide an environment and opportunities for South Australians to be involved in motor sport, in a controlled and risk managed environment that is enjoyable. To improve their driving and personal skills and provide a level of social inclusion and engagement that assists in the overall wellbeing of our community.

Economic & Environmental Sustainability – To carefully manage and mitigate the risks of motorsport and the financial assets and reputation of the club. To ensure the activities of the club do not wilfully, significantly adversely affect the environment.

Inclusivity – Throughout involvement in sport, whether as a participant, volunteer or spectator, people come together and ‘belong’. Where reasonably practicable, we find solutions that allow this to occur.

Development and Continuous Improvement – To admit where we can do better, and without blame, find solutions to continuously improve. Those that identify areas that need improvement, bring ideas and make themselves part of the solution.

Teamwork & Respect –We respect the different opinions of others and put that aside when working together as one team to an agreed goal


SDCC in the Media

Southern Districts Car Club - YouTube

Cosi MMM thumbnail

SDCC Life Members

Life Members Image

Life Members01 John Bell Life Michael Clements - Life

SDCC Executive Committee

Club Exec Honour Roll image

Screenshot 2024-03-20 210413.png



SDCC Inc cert framed